Gaist Launches HighwayView 2.0 For Fibre Rollout

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Gaist’s unique technology allows fibre rollout project managers and designers to understand the full picture on the ground and plan accordingly…

With fibre rollout projects frequently reliant on inaccurate data, we are pleased to announce HighwayView 2.0, adding new functionality for project planning, says Gaist Head of Business Development, Ian Job.

Knowing the optimal location to site new infrastructure (such as communications cabinets) is essential to project success. HighwayView 2.0 provides comprehensive image data now enabling the user to pinpoint coordinates for new infrastructure from the desktop, at a fraction of the cost of traditional physical surveys, advised Job.

“With project disruption and delays costing fibre rollout projects millions in additional costs, stakeholders throughout the project process need to have the best information available,” said Job. “By adopting a solution that uses panoramic 360-degree imagery with the ability to pinpoint coordinates for each new infrastructure element at the click of a button, like those provided by HighwayView 2.0, stakeholders can be confident of project success before they set foot on site, without breaking the bank.”

With fully georeferenced, high-definition 360-degree imagery for the full roadscape, PIA data and assets in question now available– rather than commonly-used sample testing - project undertakers can ensure that there are no gaps and missing data which could impact on the success of the project, added Job. Negating the need for traditional walked surveys subsequently reduces the risk of health and safety incidents for surveyors, Local Authorities and the general public.

Having a detailed overview of the working environment and existing infrastructure is vital to the accurate planning, design and budgeting of installation, maintenance and upgrade projects for fibre rollout. “With our cost-effective and industry standard-compliant solution, fibre providers are already gaining accurate, georeferenced insights into the condition of entire lengths of footways through panoramic 360-degree imagery, eliminating the need to leave the office, in many cases reducing their costs.”

Contact us here to find out how HighwayView 2.0 can transform your fibre rollout processes

stakeholders can be confident of project success before they set foot on site, without breaking the bank "

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The services we provide can easily be procured under the RAMS (Road Asset Management System) framework. The Procurement of the RAMS framework has been undertaken in accordance with Public Contract Regulations, 2015. The tender process was carried out under the Open Procedure following the publication of Find A Tender Service contract notice, publication number 2021/S 000-000293 dated 07/01/2021. This framework is available to any Contracting Authority in England and Wales that is a ‘Local Authority’ as defined in Section 270 of The Local Government Act 1972, and the Department for Transport.

The first step is to complete and submit the Access Agreement form on the RAMS Framework website and once approved by Blackpool Council (The Framework administrative authority) you will have access to the members area where all of the relevant contract documentation can be downloaded.

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